Teacher Scholarships (Engineering Education, CTE, TVET)
The Edquip teacher scholarships are open to applications from any teachers or trainers who use innovative methods to provide hands-on experiences to students in the field of Engineering Education, CTE (Carrer & Technology Education), and TVET (Technical & Vocational Education & Training).
Purpose and Goals of the Scholarship
Purpose: The primary goal is to recognize and support teachers who use innovative products, tools, or methods to provide hands-on learning experiences to students. These might include tools for practical engineering education, digital technologies, or other creative solutions that enhance experiential learning.
Impact: The scholarship should help further the recipient's ability to continue or expand their innovative teaching practices. This could involve funding for materials, training, or professional development.
Eligibility Criteria
Target Group: Teachers of engineering, CTE or TVET in any relevant institution (e.g., high schools, vocational schools, training centers, community colleges, polytechnics, or universities).
Geography: There are no geographical limitations to this scholarship.
Innovation: Teachers must be using innovative educational products or methods that provide students with practical, hands-on learning experiences. Examples might include:
- The use of physical or virtual simulations
- Incorporating 3D printing, robotics, or software tools into the curriculum
- Hands-on activities like prototyping, lab work, or project-based learning
- Developing new teaching methodologies that actively engage students in real-world problem-solving
Experience: Minimum 2 years of teaching experience in the relevant field.
Demonstrated Impact: Applicants should be able to show how their innovative teaching methods have positively impacted students’ learning experiences or outcomes (e.g., through student feedback, academic performance, or project outcomes).
Scholarship Award Details
Amount: The scholarship amount is either US$ 500 or € 500.
Usage of Funds: the scholarship can be used in the below ways:
- Purchase of innovative teaching tools or products (e.g., engineering kits, software, etc.)
- Funding for professional development courses, certifications, or workshops on innovative teaching methods
- Attendance at relevant conferences or seminars to gain new insights or expand skillsets
Frequency: The scholarship is awarded twice yearly.
Deadlines: the deadlines are January 31, or July 31, each year. Announcements within 2 weeks from application deadlines.

Application Process
Applications are accepted by submission of the Google Form linked below.
The information requested for evaluation of your application are:
Personal information: So that we can identify you as a scholarship applicant, alongside your communication details.
Professional information: So that we can understand your professional context better.
Statement of Innovation: submit a brief essay (500-700 words) explaining:
- The innovative educational methods, products, or tools you are using.
- Specific examples of how you have applied hands-on learning in your classroom.
- How your approach has impacted students’ learning and engagement.
Supporting Documents: You may include a detailed description of a specific project or activity that exemplifies their hands-on, innovative teaching approach. This could include lesson plans, project overviews, or photos/videos demonstrating the project in action.
Use of Scholarship: How you are planning to use this scholarship to improve your teaching or professional growth? (200-300 words):
Agreement & Concent: we need you to confirm that all submitted information is accurante, and agree to our privacy policy etc.
We look forward to receiving your application!
Selection Criteria
In evaluation of the scholarship applications, specific focus in put on the below criteria:
Creativity and Innovation: How unique and effective are the teaching methods or tools being used?
Impact on Students: How does the innovation contribute to students' hands-on learning, skill development, and academic achievement?
Clarity and Presentation: How clearly is the teaching innovation explained? Is there sufficient evidence to demonstrate its success?
Sustainability and Replicability: Does the innovation have the potential to be used in other contexts or replicated by other teachers?
If you are a teacher or a trainer in the field of Engineering Education, CTE (Carrer & Technology Education), and TVET (Technical & Vocational Education & Training), do not hesitate, we look forward to you application!
Warm regards,
The Edquip Team