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105 days
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The Wind Power Plants with Induction Generator Application, “AEL-WPPI”, has been developed by Edibon to study the wind turbines electrical performance with three-phase induction generators of squirrel cage that inject power in the network.

Wind turbines with induction generator have some characteristics, of great interest to the students, which will be studied working with the machine in different regimes: sub-synchronous, synchronous and super-synchronous. Depending on the working regime of the induction generator, different electrical parameters can be analyzed.


To analyze these electrical parameters, the Wind Power Plants with Induction Generator Application has an advanced network analyzer to will show the student, among others, the following parameters: positive and negative active, reactive and apparent powers (P, Q and S), line and total power factors, line currents, phase and line voltages, current and voltage harmonics, etc.

The wind turbine induction generator is coupled to the three-phase induction motor of squirrel cage in order to simulate different wind speeds. The three-phase induction motor is controlled by mean a frequency variator to vary the wind speed. On this way, the user can simulate different wind speeds and observes the response of the electrical generator coupled to the grid.

The Wind Power Plants Induction Generator Application has a series of sensors which allow the student to measure the wind turbine speed and the applied torque for it in order to calculate electrical and mechanical parameters, through which the student will go in depth about knowledge of wind turbines with induction generator.


This application has a power factor compensation module in order to analyze the effects of the reactive energy in the induction generator and the grid.

• N-ALI01. Industrial Main Power Supply.
Supply voltage: 400 VAC, 3PH+N+G.
ON-OFF removable key.
Output voltage connections:
Three-Phase + Neutral: 400 VAC.
Single-Phase: 230 VAC.
Three-Phase supply hose with IP44 3PN+E 32A 400 V connecting plug.
Differential magnetothermal, 4 poles, 25 A, 300 mA AC 6 KA.
Emergency stop push button.
GND terminal.
• N-CAR19T3. Three-Phase Bank of Commutable Capacitors Module.
ON/OFF switch.
Supply terminals:
Supply voltage 230VAC.
Open/close switches.
Three indicating LEDs.
Three input/output power terminals.
GND Terminal
• N-VVCA2K. 2 kW Motor Speed Controller Module.
ON/OFF switch.
Micro connector of 8 pins.
Supply terminals:
Supply: 400 VAC.
Supply terminals L1, L2, L3 and N from the module to the frequency variator.
Output connector.
Motor speed potentiometer.
Red switch.
GND terminal.
• N-EALD. Network Analyzer Unit with Data Acquisition.
The network analyzer module allows fulfilling measurements, displaying and analyzing all the parameters of the AC electrical networks. It has an LCD screen and push-buttons for the navigation through the different menus. It includes specific software for monitoring current and voltage curves, harmonics display, tariffs programming, alarms programming and electrical parameters storage.
Multifunctional three-phase power meter:
Single and three-phase voltage. Up to 690 VAC L-L.
Phase and line current. Current range up to 200%. Measurement from 0-10 A.
Active, reactive and apparent power.
Suitable frequencies: 25 Hz, 50 Hz, 60 Hz y 400 Hz.
Display of the V-I vector diagram.
Supply voltage: 85-265 VAC.
Energy quality control:
Current and voltage individual harmonics measurement. Up to the 40th harmonic.
THD voltage and current, TDD and K-factor.
Maximums and minimums display.
Waveforms display, 128 samples/sec.
Events and data storage.
Harmonics analyzer:
THD voltage and current, TDD current and K-factor, up to the 40th harmonic.
Current and voltage harmonic spectrum and angles.
Tariff programming:
Class 0.5S IEC 62053-22, active and reactive power in four quadrants.
Measurement of the total and per phase three-phase active, reactive and apparent powers.
Usage time, 4 energy/demand records of total tariffs.
8 tariffs, 4 seasons, 4 types of days.
Automatic daily report of energy consumption maximums and minimums.
Modbus TCP communication protocol with Ethernet interface.
• N-MPS. Motor Protection Module.
ON/OFF commutator.
Limit thermal current:
From 1,6 A to 2,5 A.
Input Power Terminals:
Power input connections: L1, L2, L3.
Output Power Terminals:
Power output connections: L1, L2, L3.
Ground Terminal.
• N-ARS. Automatic Resistors Starter Module.
ON/OFF push-button.
START push-button.
STOP push-button.
Supply terminals.
Supply: 230 VAC.
Supply terminals L and N.
Input power terminals:
Power Input Connections: L1, L2, L3 and N.
Output power terminals:
Power Output Connections: L1, L2, L3 and N.
GND terminal.
Three fuses of 5 A.
• GMG1.25K3PH. 1.25 KW Generator-Motor Group.
Motor-generator group coupled in an aluminium frame with wheels.
Rated power of the generator: 1.25 KVA.
Stator rated I: 6.5 A.
Excitation rated I: 4 A.
RPM: 3000 rpm.
Motor rated power I: 5 KVA.
Rated I: 7.2A.
RPM: 3000 rpm.
• All necessary cables to realize the practical exercises are included.
Cables and accessories, for normal operation. Manuals: This unit is supplied with the following manuals: Required Services, Assembly and Installation, Starting-up, Safety, Maintenance & Practices Manuals.

AEL-WPPI/ICAI. Interactive Computer Aided Instruction Software System:
This complete software package consists of an Instructor Software (EDIBON Classroom Manager - ECM-SOF) totally integrated with the Student Software (EDIBON Student Labsoft - ESL-SOF). Both are interconnected so that the teacher knows at any moment what is the theoretical and practical knowledge of the students.
- ECM-SOF. EDIBON Classroom Manager (Instructor Software).
ECM-SOF is the application that allows the Instructor to register students, manage and assign tasks for workgroups, create own content to carry out Practical Exercises, choose one of the evaluation methods to check the Student knowledge and monitor the progression related to the planned tasks for individual students, workgroups, units, etc... so the teacher can know in real time the level of understanding of any student in the classroom.
Innovative features:
• User Data Base Management.
• Administration and assignment of Workgroup, Task and Training sessions.
• Creation and Integration of Practical Exercises and Multimedia Resources.
• Custom Design of Evaluation Methods.
• Creation and assignment of Formulas & Equations.
• Equation System Solver Engine.
• Updatable Contents.
• Report generation, User Progression Monitoring and Statistics.

- ESL-SOF. EDIBON Student Labsoft (Student Software).
ESL-SOF is the application addressed to the Students that helps them to understand theoretical concepts by means of practical exercises and to prove their knowledge and progression by performing tests and calculations in addition to Multimedia Resources. Default planned tasks and an Open workgroup are provided by EDIBON to allow the students start working from the first session. Reports and statistics are available to know their progression at any time, as well as explanations for every exercise to reinforce the theoretically acquired  technical knowledge.
Innovative features:
• Student Log-In & Self-Registration.
• Existing Tasks checking & Monitoring.
• Default contents & scheduled tasks available to be used from the first session.
• Practical Exercises accomplishment by following the Manual provided by EDIBON.
• Evaluation Methods to prove your knowledge and progression.
• Test self-correction.
• Calculations computing and plotting.
• Equation System Solver Engine.
• User Monitoring Learning & Printable Reports.
• Multimedia-Supported auxiliary resources.



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Power requirements
1 phase, 110 VAC – 127 VAC/60 Hz, 1 phase, 200 VAC – 240 VAC/50 Hz
Other requirements
HS code
Equipment dimensions (L/W/H)
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Production lead time
105 days
Teacher materials available
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E-Learning modules
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